Search Results for "seducing"


Musclegirl (Part 2) - PDF

Musclegirl (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: Dracowhip)

Our story continues with Stacie sensually seducing her heart's desire, Andy, doing so in a girlishly teasing manner; a little too much teasing for him, as he eventually decides he's not thrilled with being treated like a little toy! From then, true heartfelt feelings and emotions come out from them both, as they conclude this night by starting their honest, loving relationship with one another! More Awesome artwork from Dracowhip on this Puppetman tale!

story Stacie sensually seducing heart's desire Andy girlishly teasing too much thrilled treated little toy true heartfelt feelings emotions conclude night honest loving relationship Awesome artwork Dracowhip Puppetman tale

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The Muscular Roommate (Parts 1 and 2) - PDF

The Muscular Roommate (Parts 1 and 2)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Smog, Artwork: Emerson)

At the conclusion of an exercise session with his beautiful fitness girlfriend, a young man is invited back to her place to continue their fun! While there, he meets her new roommate, a buff, muscular bodybuilder, who takes to playfully seducing the man while his girlfriend is away showering, doing so with a teasingly aggressive attitude and sexily flexing muscles! Our story continues on another night, as he peeks into the muscular roommate's bedroom, where he views her pumping her large muscles to even more massive levels! This night the bodybuilder is not to be denied, as she intimidates his girlfriend away, leaving him alone with her and her sexually quenching muscles! Fantastic art from new AC artist Emerson, on these classic stories from Smog!

exercise session fitness girlfriend young man roommate bodybuilder seducing aggressive attitude muscles pumping massive levels intimidate sexually quenching art AC artist Emerson classic stories Smog

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